Wednesday, May 28, 2008


So I have a problem: I have ten pounds of peaches sitting in my kitchen. And they're all ripening as I type this. I've been looking over any and all recipes in my cooking library in the hopes of finding dishes and desserts that can hold back the mountain of peaches, recipes that can use as many peaches as possible before they become overly ripe.

I entertained the possibility of inviting friends and colleagues to a peach feast, but many have left town for the summer.

There is a bright note to this, however, in that I get a chance to test new recipes and use favorite recipes with peaches as a stand-in. However, my sister, her boyfriend, and I can only eat so much yet we don't want to waste such delectable fruit.

Any suggestions?


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Liz said...

Make some tasty peachy baked goods and donate them to a local soup kitchen or Meals on Wheels organization. I'm sure the folks who get their food from there would really appreciate some tasty treats since they don't normally get something like that!

Steven said...

Ah, that's a good idea. Thanks!