The Punisher MAX, Vol. 10: Valley Forge, Valley Forge by Garth Ennis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Garth Ennis ends his five-year run on the Punisher series not with a shower of bullet casings falling to the floor, but with the slow, intense burn indicting those who would seek to profit from war. Because this was published under Marvel's MAX series, Ennis and a stable of wonderful artists (Goran Parlov does some of his best work in this volume) had much more creative freedom to explore the idea of the Punisher in the real world. Who needs to be punished the most severely today? The answer: those who would pave their career paths with the blood and bodies of innocent soldiers as they seek a comfortable retirement. In the world of comics, no one deserving goes unpunished. A shame that does not yet hold true in the real world.
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Tags: comics, reviews, war, politics
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